Tuesday, 19 September 2017

CTARC Forthcoming Meeting - 23 Sep '17

IT'S YOUR TURN...... to 'SHOW and TELL'  

Our next monthly meeting of the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre will be at 14h00 at the clubhouse on Saturday 23 September 2017.

The meeting will be the popular "Show-and-Tell" format, where you can bring along various bits and pieces of ham equipment to demonstrate to all present. That can be any new or ongoing projects you may be involved with or even an older project. Homebrew projects are always greeted with enthusiasm. Hints and Kinks are also welcome and encouraged. Come along to the Clubhouse and bring the actual project to show, or just chat about the new ideas you may have and are trying out in the shack.

This is always a very well attended and supported meeting, lots of information gets bandied about, and a good old 'Ragchew' with the guys for the afternoon..

We will also resume the regular Swop Shop, where you can bring various ham items surplus to requirements for sale, swop or disposal. Come early to get a good spot for your project or Bring and Buy item (Please remember to take home afterwards any of your equipment you didn't manage to sell).

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday 23rd!

This event has now taken place. Report-back and photos are [here].