CTARC Committee members are reminded of the committee meeting to be held on-line at 19h00 on Monday, 20 September 2021.
Please do make an effort to attend the on-line meeting.
(If you can't be there, please remember to send in your reports and apologies to Rob or Anne.).
Sunday, 19 September 2021
CTARC Committee Meeting - 20 Sept '21
CTARC Summits On The Air - 20 Sept '21
Chris ZS1CDG and Pino ZU1KAT hope to activate Maclear's Beacon on Table Mountain, weather permitting. Listen out for them on 145.500 MHz Simplex and give them SOTA points. It will also be the opportunity to wish Chris a Happy Birthday too!
They will be going up by cableway in the morning (Chris gets a free birthday ticket!) and should be active by mid-morning.
Chris and Pino have been active this past week on that frequency with SOTA activity on mountains and hills in the Cape Metropole area. For those who have to be at work, take your handie along to the salt mine!
STOP PRESS! The Monday 20th September Maclear's Beacon SOTA event has been cancelled due to weather. HOWEVER, Chris ZS1CDG and Pino ZS1KAT are determined to still do it this week, weather permitting. So, please keep your rigs tuned to 145.500 MHz.
Saturday, 18 September 2021
CTARC Forthcoming Meeting - 25 Sept '21
The September meeting of the CTARC will take place on Saturday, 25th September 2021 at 14h00, on the lawn outside our clubhouse in Rondebosch. Yes! We will have an open-air meeting again - the first proper one in three months.
Strict adherence to the Covid regulations will be required by all for everyone's safety. Properly-worn masks, social distancing and hand sanitiser (please bring your own along).
The meeting will be a show-and-tell event where members are invited to bring interesting ham items to show off and demonstrate to those present. Don't be shy - bring your project along to the meeting!
Refreshments will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own along.
A mini-flea market will also take place. The club has a number of items to be disposed of. You can also use the opportunity to bring along your own ham-related gear to sell or swop.
See you there on Saturday 25 September!
This event has now taken place. A full report appears in Ragchew of October 2021
CTARC The ZS1 Sprint - 26 Sept '21
A reminder,
On Sunday, 26 September 2021 between 14h00 & 15h00 UTC (16h00 & 17h00 local time) the Cape Town ARC will be running the ZS1 Sprint on the air. As you probably know this is a one hour contest on a Sunday afternoon and there hasn’t been a ZS1 sprint for several years.
We would like to remind you to please have your club station on the air to give out points during that hour with your club call sign. We would ask that you send us a copy of your logs for that one hour period so that we can do the scoring for the participants.
The CTARC club station will be activated between these times so that CTARC members may come and make contacts. If you can't make it to the clubhouse, ZS1CT would still greatly appreciate your support in the form of contacts with our club station!
For your convenience the rules from the SARL Blue Book are [here].
With appreciation,
Chairman CTARC
Sunday, 12 September 2021
CTARC Field Day Station Report - 12 Sept '21
On Saturday 12th September, Chris ZS1CDG set up a field station outside the CTARC club house. Unfortunately, a furious South-Easter sprang up and started blowing tables and chairs across the field! So Chris and others repaired to the interior and kept the club house open to enable visiting hams to see and use the equipment. People doing Chris's RAE course were present there as well at periods throughout the day.
Thanks to Chris for his efforts and to all those who attended!
Sunday, 5 September 2021
CTARC Field Day - 11 Sept '21

Radio amateurs are invited to come and set up their field stations and antennae there as well. As it is a Field Day event, no mains electric power will be used (unless provided by your portable generator, of course!).
The usual Covid precautions will be in place. Let's keep this event virus-free.
We look forward to seeing you there!
This event has now taken place. A brief report [here].
Friday, 3 September 2021
CTARC Ragchew - 3 Sept '21
Remember please, Anne is
always needs articles to publish in Ragchew! This is especially the
case during the lock-down. Thank you to those numerous contributors in
this edition!
You can advertise ham-related items - for
sale, swop or wanted-to-buy - in Ragchew, including colour photos,
details and prices. To do so, please contact the editor [here].
Download the September 2021 Newsletter as a PDF file [here];
Ragchew is also on our Newsletters Page