Sunday 23 May 2021

CTARC Report on Meeting of 22 May '21

The outdoors meeting at the CTARC Clubhouse, which took place on Saturday, 22 May 2021, is reported on by Tony ZS1TK on Page 6 of the June 2021 edition of Ragchew.

It was to be the last actual meeting at the CTARC club house before the new Covid-19 regulations and restrictions took place.

Download the June 2021 Ragchew [here]. 

Monday 3 May 2021

CTARC Forthcoming Meeting - 22 May '21

All being well, the CTARC plans to hold another monthly meeting, on Saturday, 22nd May, at the CTARC clubhouse. It will probably take place outside the clubhouse. Let's hope the weather is kind to us!

Our speaker will be Lem ZS1LEM, who will be talking about Satellites and working them on the ham bands.

The Radio Amateurs Examination and HF Assessments will also be taking place at this venue.

Further information will be made available in due course before the date.

Saturday 1 May 2021

CTARC Ragchew- May '21

The May 2021 edition of the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre's bi-monthly newsletter "Ragchew"is now published. Grateful thanks to the editor, Anne, for another fine edition.

Remember please, Anne is always needs articles to publish in Ragchew! This is especially the case during the lock-down. Thank you to those numerous contributors in this edition!

You can advertise ham-related items - for sale, swop or wanted-to-buy - in Ragchew, including colour photos, details and prices. To do so, please contact the editor [here].

Download the May 2021 Newsletter as a PDF file [here];

Ragchew is also on our Newsletters Page

CTARC Mills On The Air - May '21

The CTARC was planning to activate Mills On The Air at Mostert's Mill in Mowbray. Sadly, the mill was burned down in the recent devastating fire that affected UCT Upper and Middle Campus, as well as the mountainside skirting around Devils Peak, from Newlands right across to Walmer Estate in the City Bowl.

However, the non-profit organisation, Friends Of Mostert's Mill is even at this early stage planning to get the mill restored to working condition. They plan to initially repair the outward appearance of the mill, and then to replace the internal wooden machinery to working order again. So CTARC's participation in Mills On The Air is (understandably) postponed, but not cancelled!

Friends of Mostert's Mill are looking for donations to achieve this goal. You can either renew annual membership (at R50-00 per annum) and/or make donations to their bank account.

Donors are kindly requested to deposit their contributions by EFT or other means into the following bank account:

Bank: Standard Bank
Branch Code: 051 001 (all branches)
Account Name: Friends of Mosters Mill
Account Number: 077 441 672
Reference: Paul Johnson.

John Hammer (Chairman) & the Committee
Friends of Mostert's Mill
Mostert's Mill:
Non-Profit Organisation: 120-838 NPO