Wednesday 17 July 2024

CTARC: AGM This Saturday 20 July

 Hi All

Reminder of the CTARC AGM

download (10).jpg

Date: Saturday, 20th July 2024.


Venue: CTARC Clubhouse, Round Table (Belvedere) Community Centre, off

Laidlaw Road, Claremont. As our Clubhouse can only seat 30 members, arrangements will be made for any overflow outside the clubhouse.


Time: 14:00.


Complimentary refreshments and snacks will be available after the meeting.

See you all there


Tuesday 9 July 2024

CTARC Ragchew - June '24

Ragchew June 2024
The June 2024 edition of Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre's monthly newsletter "Ragchew" is now published. Grateful thanks to our editor, Charl ZS1ZZ, for another fine edition.

Thank you to those numerous contributors in this edition!

You are also welcome to send Anne ham related things that you would like sent out to members, if appropriate, she will gladly do so for you.  To do so, please contact Anne at

Download the June 2024 Newsletter as a PDF file [here];

Ragchew is also on our Newsletters Page

Monday 10 June 2024

CTARC: It's Time!!!! Subs Renewal

 Hi to all CTARC Members:


There will be NO increase in subs for 2024 / 2025:


Subs remain at R195 per Member (under 65), and R150 for pensioners (over 65).


Morningstar subs remain at R395pa.


(Remember your spouse may join the Club for 50% of your fee).


Morningstar remote station rental at the Morningstar Flying Club has increased very slightly but we have absorbed this small amount this time to keep our cost to you the same as last year.

Please do consider continuing and renewing your membership for Morningstar to help keep this wonderful facility in operation.


 Please read this next paragraph, it may concern you!

***All Life Members,  please ignore this email. Those who have joined the club in the past 6 months, also those few members who have paid 5 years subs upfront, you too please ignore this email and we thank you.

***If you are not sure if you are paid up or not, just check the last membership certificate you received from me, and see if the date at the bottom is valid past 2024.


The Renewal form is available ( click here ) to be updated only IF your details have changed please. The Club’s banking details are on the form, and this is your reminder to pay your 2024/2025 subs as soon as possible.


(EFT is preferred if possible please, as it costs the club at least R50 each time to bank R195 cash and we try to avoid it).


***Please use bank reference: ‘Subs and your call sign and or name’.

Last year I had a total of 7 payments that I still have no idea who sent them. 2 of these were for Morningstar? So not small amounts which can’t be allocated corrected.


I look forward to receiving your p.o.p shortly. Remember, subs are due by 30 June please. Reply per email to:


Thank you,


Thursday 6 June 2024

CTARC Ragchew - May '24

Ragchew May 2024
The May 2024 edition of Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre's monthly newsletter "Ragchew" is now published. Grateful thanks to our editor, Charl ZS1ZZ, for another fine edition.

Thank you to those numerous contributors in this edition!

You are also welcome to send Anne ham related things that you would like sent out to members, if appropriate, she will gladly do so for you.  To do so, please contact Anne at

Download the May 2024 Newsletter as a PDF file [here];

Ragchew is also on our Newsletters Page

Thursday 9 May 2024

International Mill Day 11 May 2024

Don’t Miss
International Mill Day 11 May 2024
Mostert’s Mill, Cape Town

The CTARC will be at the Mill, on air from

12:00 noon  till 15:00.

Do come along at 11am to help set up

Please note, since the mill survives entirely on donations, they request a small donation of R50 per adult when coming onto the site.


Listen to Rob Bareham, ZS1SA talk about International Mill Day and Amateur Radio with Pippa Hudson on Cape Talk Radio on 9 May 2024 :