Friday 24 April 2020

CTARC Next RAE Course - 8 Aug '20

The next available RAE [Radio Amateurs Examination] course begins on the Saturday 8th August from 10h00 to 12h30 at the CTARC clubhouse at the Round Table / Belvedere Community Centre off Laidlaw Lane, Rondebosch.

For all people in Cape Town who would like to take their Radio Amateurs Examination, Chris ZS1CDG will run a nine-week course.

At the end of the course, candidates will write the Radio Amateurs Examination, successful passing of which is required to obtain the Radio Amateur's License from ICASA.

The next Radio Amateurs Examination takes place in October 2020.

For further details, please contact the CTARC Secretary [here]. A PDF file of the course details and curriculum will be sent to the applicants.

Should the Covid-19 lock-down require a change in dates or venue, these will be announced in due course.

Monday 6 April 2020

CTARC New Membership Form for 2020 / 2021

The Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre continues to grow. New members are always welcomed into our sociable community!

Membership of the CTARC has many benefits, including:
  • Fellowship with like-minded radio enthusiasts and involvement in the CTARC's interesting meetings, bulletins, radio nets and activities;
  • The CTARC's bi-monthly newsletter, Ragchew;
  • Access to people highly experienced in amateur radio technology, radio station assembly, construction and operating skills;

  • Use of the CTARC's amateur radio station ZS1CT [for licensed radio amateurs];
  • Optional access to use the Remote-Controlled Station at Morningstar [for licensed radio amateurs];
  • Access to our regular ham radio equipment Swop Shops and car boot sales;
  • And much, much more...

The Application Form for membership of the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre, for the period 2020/2021, details current membership fees in the document.

Prospective members are requested to download and fill in the application form and return it to the Secretary, Anne or to hand it in to the CTARC chairman, Rob ZS1SA, at one of our monthly meetings.

Download the correct Application Form PDF file [here].

Saturday 4 April 2020

CTARC RAE HF Assessments - 9 May '20

While the Coronavirus lock-down continues to curtail CTARC Club meetings, the activities and planning continue. Chris ZS1CDG plans to hold an HF Assessment morning for non-course RAE candidates. This is scheduled to take place at the CTARC clubhouse on the morning of  Saturday, 9 May 2020.

We would be grateful for radio hams to kindly assist this event by replying to these candidates' first calls on the air via the ZS1CT station.

Of course, this event's chances of taking place will depend entirely on the 21-day Lock-down period [which, at present, is currently scheduled to end at midnight on Thursday16 April] being lifted before any public gatherings may happen.

Further details woll be announced presently.