Saturday, 3 March 2018

CTARC Photos of March Flea Market 3/5 - 3 Mar '18

3rd batch of photos; The written report on the flea market is [here].
Photos of the event: [Batch 1] [Batch 2] Batch 3 [Batch 4] [Batch 5

Avron / ZS1LA and Dirkie / ZS1X

The dreaded Eldred / ZS1DJ, traveling incognito
in a somewhat fetching pink hat. Equally fetching
is the  stainless steel dual variable PSU in the foreground

Andre / ZS1F had some interesting pieces on offer

Dirkie and Avron had a wide range of stuff, ranging from handies
and signal generators to components, books and an ancient morse key

Documentation is crucial in extending the usable life of equipment

Wolfgang / ZR1WLH stands guard over some very special hi-tech test gear.
Left is an HP-3312A function generator, middle is an R&S URY
RF millivoltmeter (with the accessories on top),
right is an EMG TR-0361 pulse generator

Tony / ZS1TK had some good stuff on offer; an Icom IC-W32E handie,
an RX-200 rx, a Kenwood R-1000 comms rx, a rotator & controller,
a Yaesu FT-221R and a Trio TS-700...

...and a Kenwood TS-60D, a cross-needle SWR meter and more!

Rayne / ZS1RM tests out a handie

Klaus / ZS1QO (seated)

Allan / ZS1LS exhibits fondness for his harmonic...

...who shows enormous keenness for radio gear!
(This attitude is to be greatly encouraged among the youth!!)