Monday, 19 February 2018

CTARC Forthcoming February Meeting - 24 Feb '18

The Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre will hold its February 2018 meeting on Saturday 24 February 2018 at the clubhouse, starting at 14h00.

At this meeting, Charles / ZS1CJO will give a talk on Electronic Logging, E-QSL and LOTW (Logbook of The World).

Charles is our club's E-QSL manager and has extensive experience in computers and software apps, and this promises to be a most interesting meeting.

Afterwards there will be the opportunity to conduct eyeball QSO's, to chat with friends, to boast of your latest DX contact and to catch up on the skinner over a cup of coffee.

We look forward to seeing you there!

(This meeting has now taken place. A report-back is [here]. Photos are [here].