Monday, 19 June 2017

CTARC Forthcoming New Hams Presentation - 24 Jun '17

The CTARC committee has received several requests for presentations intended to assist new radio hams to get to grips with aspects of our hobby. Our first session will take place this coming Saturday 24th June beginning at 13h00, an hour ahead of the regularly scheduled meeting, at the CTARC clubhouse

All new / recently qualified radio amateurs are warmly encouraged to attend.

Our first session, conducted by Rob / ZS1SA, will be on the subject of VHF Operating Protocol

The syllabus will be:

  • ·        How to correctly establish contact on VHF FM repeaters & simplex channels;
  • ·        Round-table radio net procedures;
  • ·        Allowing breaks between overs;
  • ·        Proper microphone technique;
  • ·        Correct station identification;
  • ·        Use of the Proword “Break”;
  • ·        Repeater and Simplex Frequencies;
  • ·        CTCSS.
(Note, this meeting has taken place. The Report-back is [here].)