Sunday, 27 January 2019

CTARC Report-Back on Antenna Work Party - 26 Jan '19

On Saturday, 26 January 2019, the first meeting of the year for the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre started earlier than normal. At 11h00, we assembled at the clubhouse to tackle the next phase of our main antenna refurbishment. Under a cloudless sky with a mild south-easter blowing, the coaxial mast was cranked down and then folded over on its main hinge to rest on a conveniently positioned ladder. The next stage was to replace the main feedlines with fresh RG-8X coax cable, generously donated to the club by Barry ZS1FJ. Thanks to ZS1BL, ZS1BOK, ZS1EQ, ZS1FJ, ZS1FW, ZS1PGC ZS1S, ZS1TK, ZS1ZD, ZS1ZKZ and others who attended the work party.

There was a minor set-back when the stainless steel cable snapped while being winched [fortunately with the mast still lying horizontal!], but we still had the old steel cable that was now redeployed as a temporary measure. The mast was winched back into vertical position just as the other club members arrived for the main meeting.

The purpose of the work party was to replace the main feedline to the antennas with some RG-8X coax [kindly donated by Barry ZS1FJ] , and to do some work on the baluns and attachments for the new 40m beam that was recently mounted on the tower. This was achieved in time for our main meeting which followed on at 14h20.

Thanks to all those who attended and assisted with the Work Party!