Monday, 7 January 2019

CTARC Forthcoming January Meeting - 26 Jan '19

 The CTARC will hold the first monthly meeting of this new year on Saturday 26 January 2019 at 14h00 at the usual clubhouse venue in Rondebosch.

The topic will be a "show-and-tell" format, where you can bring along one or more of your homebrew constructed projects [complete or not] to show off at the meeting. These sessions have always been very interesting and all can learn from and be inspired by the home contruction efforts of fellow radio hams.

Your project could be anything related to ham radio, as simple as a crystal set or as complex as a spectrum analyser.
Don't be shy! We would all really like to see what projects you have been busy with.

Do please arrive early to ensure your seat.

Don't forget the usual bring-'n-buy Swop Shop of amateur radio gear that takes place after the meeting. A gentle reminder to kindly remove all your non-sold items from the clubhouse after the meeting as storage space is limited.


This event has now taken place.

The report-back on the CTARC January 2019 meeting is [here].

Photos of the meeting are [here].