Sunday 12 November 2017

CTARC End of Year Function - 25 Nov '17

Your Invitation To

The CTARC’s  End of Year Function!

Dear CTARC Member

Date: Saturday, 25 November

Time: 13:00

Venue: CTARC’s Clubhouse Grounds, Laidlaw Road, Rondebosch Cape Town.

Braai fires will be lit at 13h00 ready by 14h00. Complimentary beef burgers will be served to CTARC members and liquid refreshments will be on sale.

(You are welcome to bring your own meat to braai if you wish.) Spouses / partners are also welcome.

This year The ‘Len Wells Ham Spirit Trophy’ turns 50 years old!
We are inviting as many of the past recipients of the trophy as we can find.
Dennis / ZS1AU, will be at the function to meet them all once again.
We would like to arrange a large group photo of all the LWHST awardees.

Do try to join us at this special event!


Anne (CTARC Secretary and Ragchew Editor)

Cell: O 7 2 - 2 6 8 - I 2 O 7