Sunday 6 March 2016

CTARC Report Back on 5 March Flea Market 4/4

More photos are in Batch 1, Batch 2 and Batch 3

Some very solid green radios of a bygone era were on offer

Some homebrew test equipment...

ZS1AG and his good lady displayed their wares on their car bonnet

Two standard dachshunds (both very well-behaved) caused the dog-deprived
among us to feel huge envy...


Andre / ZS1AN, Mariska (who kindly drew the raffle tickets) and Dirk / ZS1VDP

The weather cleared up later on in the afternoon

Danny / ZS1BL and Rob /  ZS1SA organised the three Raffle draws.
Mariska selected three numbers at random for the winning tickets

This and the following photo by kind courtesy of Mike / ZS1FP

While ham car boot sales offer a bewildering variety of items for sale, swop
or display, few can boast the presence of a woolly mammoth!
This one pitched up unannounced... Can winter be far off?

Back to Batch 1 of the photos