The Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre held it's annual Mega-Flea Market on Saturday, 5th March 2016. Committee members arrived at around 11h00 to set up the tables and braai facilities. Sellers arrived at around 12h00 to set up their wares. However, by the official start time at 13h00, a large crowd had already gathered and were circling around the stalls looking at what was for sale or swop.
Much interesting radio and electronic equipment was on sale. The weather was mild, and we even had a minor spot of rain for a few minutes, but not even that could dampen the enthusiasm of those who attended.
It is the consensus of the CTARC Committee (and, we're sure, of most who attended) that this was a particularly successful event. Much equipment and parts changed hands and we can only imagine some of the stories that were generated back at the QTH's of some buyers when they walked through their front door on tip-toe, hoping their arrival (and the boxes they carried) would pass unnoticed!
At around 15h30, CTARC Chairman Rob / ZS1SA announced the three Raffle draws, tickets for which had been on sale throughout the afternoon. He was ably assisted by Danny / ZS1BL who operated the PA system, as well as Mariska, who kindly selected the winning numbers at random (yes, it was
that Mariska, who was the secretary of the SARL (and the voice answering the telephone) Head Office up in Gauteng for several years). Three lucky radio hams walked off with a Multi-USB Port interface, an LED head torch and a bottle of wine.
The delicious hamburgers, deftly braaied by Tony / ZS1TM and sold by Anne and Elsabe to the hungry hams and their families, were eventually all sold out! Most of the beers and cool drinks were sold, too, which will ensure that at least our club breaks even financially with this event.
At around 16h30 most of the trading that was going to take place had happened, and we started packing up. Eventually we all trundled off home, our vehicles (in some cases) somewhat heavier and our wallets somewhat lighter than when we had arrived...
Thanks to all who attended this annual event and made it such a success. It has certainly become one of the major ham events of Cape Town.
Photos are posted below, and in
Batch 2,
Batch 3 and
Batch 4.
Peter / ZS1JX (on right) peruses items on offer |
An HSX7873BP2984/R, you say? Sure that I brought one along this time.
Let me just check in the boot..."
Peter / ZS1PT (left) and Rob / ZS1SA (right) consider the options |
Alex / ZS1AG shows off his very nice Icom D-51 D-Star handie. It connects to a small
base transceiver (blue box with black antenna), which in turn is linked to his laptop, which
connects via a 3G modem to the internet, which in turn connects to some 90 000
D-Star equipped hams worldwide. No wonder Alex is smiling! |
There was a good vibe and comradely attitude throughout the event |
Wolfgang / ZS1WHL and Hans-Jurgen / ZS1HJH set up their display |
ZS1AGH, ZS1GRM and ZS1OIN. Oleg (on right) brought along a very fine portable
HF transceiver, which he fed into a long-wire sloper antenna |
Aha. The boot door is opened. The contents are scanned for the first time. |
Paul / ZS1PXK and Dirkie / ZS1X |
Dirkie / ZS1X provided a well-thought-out assortment of goods on offer
Tony / ZS1TK points out the features of a particular rig |
Tony / ZS1TK had a variety of nice bits and pieces on offer |
A huge variety of stuff was on display |
Anne and Elsabe, our magnificent catering ladies, were resplendent in their
CTARC aprons with the club logo embroidered thereupon. They tirelessly
supplied hamburgers and liquid refreshments throughout the afternoon |
Tony / ZS1TM, Noel / ZS1FW and John / ZS1AGH |
The event was well attended, despite overcast weather at first |