Tuesday 3 November 2020

CTARC End-of-Year Meeting - 28 Nov '20

The last formal meeting of the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre will take place on the lawns in front of the clubhouse on Saturday, 28th November 2020. Bookmark your diaries now!

This is traditionally held in the form of a bring-and-braai meeting. The Committee is deliberating as to how the event - your last chance to chew the proverbial (and literal!) fat with CTARC members before the new year - may be organised in the context of the Lock-down and health restrictions with which we all must comply.

Owing to the Coronavirus regulations, all persons attending will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing of at least 1.5 metres from one another.

Please RSVP to our stalwart Secretary, Anne, if you (and family and friends) are going to attend; logistics need organising in terms of food and braai facilities.

Further details will be announced on the CTARC Bulletins on Sunday mornings.