Sunday 15 December 2019

CTARC Security Issues Over the Air... 15 Dec '19

Often we become so accustomed to chatting with friends over the air that we are inclined to forget there are others listening in and some for sinister purposes.

Inexpensive VHF receivers are easily available from a wide variety of internet sources. Criminals are becoming much more technically savvy than they were previously. Although criminals mainly use these radios to monitor security services transmissions, they can also listen to our transmissions.

Members are reminded to be careful about discussing home security issues over the air, along with mentioning that you or another fellow ham will be away from home on vacation [and that therefore the house will be empty].

Even referring to departure or arrival times at the QTH [say, coming home from the salt mine] can be risky.

We need to guard against compromising our own or others' security by revealing sensitive information over the air. This has already caused losses in Cape Town.

Be aware.