This club meeting will be a bit of a change from the formal sit down meetings we normally have.
We will be having a mini flea market and we encourage all members to attend this very social event.We have a number of items which were donated to the club from the deceased estate of Leon ZS1CI/SK. Some of the items CTARC will keep and use and a great amount of it will be for sale at our next meeting, which takes place at our clubhouse at 14h00 on Saturday 28 September.
We will have a short meeting this month as we have not scheduled a speaker. However, it is anticipated to be an enjoyable social afternoon with a mini flea market.
These items include: several antenna tuners, an MFJ antenna analyser, soldering and test equipment, cables, test leads, power tools, computer, magazines, electronic and electrical goods.
Members are also invited to bring along any surplus goods for the normal Bring and Buy monthly sale.
So, come along and pick up a bargain or two!
This is not meant to replace our bumper flea market [which takes place on the first Saturday in March]; let’s call it a mini flea market for our members.
Due to several request, a braai fire will be lit at 13h30 - you are welcome to bring your own meat and trimmings.....
See you there!

Note: This event has now taken place [and was a great success!]
A report-back with photos will be published shortly.