However, Rob ZS1SA, will be holding a Fox Hunt starting from the CTARC clubhouse on 24 August 2019, starting time 14h00.
For all of you who built your antennas at the June meeting, you may want to go along and try out your new antennas!
Ideal equipment will be a directional antenna for 2 metres, a 2 meter handheld radio a simple compass and possibly some way to reduce the signal level from your antenna to your radio.
If you do not have all of this equipment come along anyway and bring what you have. It is fun to team up with someone who does have a radio and antenna and together determine where Foxy is hiding.
The hunt should take two hours or less to complete.
You may need to do a small amount of driving to find the fox so teaming up with one or two others would be a plus.
We can discuss it when we meet up at 14h00.
Always a fun event. See you there.
NB: This event has now taken place. A report is in the September 2019 Ragchew.