Friday, 22 March 2019

CTARC Antenna Work Party - 23 Mar '19

Before the main meeting on Saturday 23 March 2019, CTARC members were at work fixing the antennas at the clubhouse.

I would like to thank everyone who assisted with the repair of our tower rotator system on 23 March, and a special thank you to James ZS1ZKZ. While we were all enjoying Tom Ambrose’s talk about satellites James was busing working and welding outside repairing the club’s tower and had been working on it since much earlier in the morning. He refurbished the winding winch and cabling system for the mast and completed the coupling to the rotator. James bought the new pulley, the new pillow block bearings and supplied the welding rods and tools in addition to getting his brother in law to help. He insists that all of that is a donation to the club and he won’t take no for an answer. A big thank you from all of us James.