Owing to inclement weather, we regret to announce that the scheduled Antenna Work Party at the CTARC clubhouse for tomorrow, Saturday, 30 June 2018 has been CANCELLED until further notice.
With apologies
Friday, 29 June 2018
Thursday, 28 June 2018
CTARC Forthcoming July Meeting - 28 Jul '18
This is official notification that the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre's Annual General Meeting has been called.
It will take place at our next monthly meeting, that of July 2018, which takes place at 14h00 on Saturday, 28 July 2018, at the CTARC clubhouse in the Round Table Community Centre, off Laidlaw Road, Claremont. See navigation instructions here.
Documentation from CTARC Secretary Anne will be forwarded by e-mail to all club members presently. Announcements will be made here on this blogspot, and on our Sunday morning bulletins on the 145.750 MHz repeater at 08h30.
The July monthly meeting will also give those members who have not renewed their club subscriptions, which were due at the end of June 2018, so to do. Similarly, those who wish to make use of the club's Morningstar remote station may also pay that annual fee at the meeting. Grateful thanks to all members who have paid their subs thus far!
Join us for afternoon snacks and refreshments after the meeting.
Do not miss this important club event! All CTARC members are encouraged to attend.
It will take place at our next monthly meeting, that of July 2018, which takes place at 14h00 on Saturday, 28 July 2018, at the CTARC clubhouse in the Round Table Community Centre, off Laidlaw Road, Claremont. See navigation instructions here.
Documentation from CTARC Secretary Anne will be forwarded by e-mail to all club members presently. Announcements will be made here on this blogspot, and on our Sunday morning bulletins on the 145.750 MHz repeater at 08h30.
The July monthly meeting will also give those members who have not renewed their club subscriptions, which were due at the end of June 2018, so to do. Similarly, those who wish to make use of the club's Morningstar remote station may also pay that annual fee at the meeting. Grateful thanks to all members who have paid their subs thus far!
Join us for afternoon snacks and refreshments after the meeting.
Do not miss this important club event! All CTARC members are encouraged to attend.
Monday, 25 June 2018
CTARC In Memorium - May '18
Our condolences go to Mike ZS1FP for the sad passing of Katherine, Mike's YL. Katherine passed away in May.
Some of us met Katherine at a CTARC function we held at the Observatory a couple of years ago.
Our thoughts are with you, Mike.
Some of us met Katherine at a CTARC function we held at the Observatory a couple of years ago.
Our thoughts are with you, Mike.
Sunday, 24 June 2018
CTARC Report on June Meeting - 24 Jun '18
The CTARC met on Saturday 23 June at 14h00 for the monthly meeting. Rainy winter weather didn’t discourage our members’ enthusiasm - by 13h50 seating space was already getting difficult to find as more people packed into the venue, which is great news. Danny ZS1BL was kept busy at the entrance taking in subscriptions and Morningstar payments as members dug hands into pockets to find the necessary. Thanks to all who have paid timeously. For those who intend to renew their CTARC membership, annual subs are due at the end of June...
Chairman Rob ZS1SA opened the meeting with a welcome, and gave a report back on the recent committee meeting. He reminded us of the club’s AGM next month, and the August meeting which will be the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend held at Green Point Light on the weekend of 18/19 July 2018. Rob announced that John ZS1EQ is going to assist increasingly with managing our club’s ILLW involvement (a big task that Rob has carried with Spartan fortitude for the past eight years). Also, we have two new bulletin readers joining our team in the persons of John ZS1EQ and Chris ZS1CDG.
Next, we were given the opportunity to see a very interesting piece of gear before the main talk. It was a Special Operations Executive spy transceiver of the type issued to SOE agents inserted into Axis-occupied France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Balkans in the dark days of the Second World War. This compact W/T transceiver fits into a small leather suitcase. It was the smallest transceiver used in anger by the Allied forces at the time. It was manufactured by Marconi in 1943, and is referred to as a Type 21 Mark iii, or Type "A" Mk iii, or simply "A3" suitcase radio).
Solidly assembled and using just five valves – a 7Q7, three 7H7’s and a 7C5, this compact set was a vast improvement on its predecessor, the Mark ii (also called the "B2"), which had occupied three bulky boxes and would have been difficult for an agent (trying to avoid the enemy search teams) to transport discreetly. The Mark iii fits into a little suitcase just 13 x 9 x 4 inches in size. It is a CW transceiver (which can also receive A3 telephony), capable of operating between 3.2 and 9.55 MHz (sorry - Megacycles!), the transmitter frequency being controlled by a crystal and the receive frequency operating in split mode (for better security and to avoid jamming). Typically,. three crystals were issued per set – one for the daytime frequency, a night time one and one for emergencies. The receiver is a reaction-tuned super-regenerative type with an Intermediate Frequency of 1200 kc/s.
The rig pushes out just 5 watts, which is not that much considering the antenna and counterpoise were often set up just inside a single room to avoid visual detection. However, the home stations back on British soil would be copying the fugitive signal via a rhombic antenna connected to an HRO or AR88 communications receiver. Under ionospheric conditions at the time, ranges of 500 miles were possible. Also, this was surely one situation where “less is more” on account of a very diligent enemy with direction-finding equipment, highly motivated to find the clandestine transmitter soon after it came alive.
There is a vast amount of information on the Internet about the Special Operations Executive, their agents' training, missions, successes and failures through the war years. In addition to the European mainland operations, SOE was also active in the Balkans, the Middle East and the Far East as well. It makes for riveting reading.
An interesting feature of this set is a switch with a ring-pull attachment. This switches the set instantly from mains to 6V battery power (it can be powered by both). This was because it was common practise for the hunters to first DF the approximate location of the transmitter, then to switch off the mains power area by area, block by block. Should the transmitter suddenly drop out as mains power was cut, that indicated the approximate block, street or building of its location, which would then be cordoned off and searched. The ring pull switch enabled the transmitter to keep on going – not so much as to complete the message (which could always be completed on a fall-back frequency and schedule) , but to try to fool the hunters as to its location.
Then it was time for the main talk of the afternoon, “Keeping Track”. Rob introduced the speaker, Peter ZS1PGC. The project, intended primarily for documenting the club’s assets, also has great relevance for individual radio amateurs to apply to their own ham shacks. (Your humble reporter, having embarked on a similar mission, is given pause to wonder if he is not going into too much detail when he tallied Asset no. #8732 - not quite taking it down to individual component level, but close…)
Peter has ably taken on the enormous task of documenting all the physical assets in our club. There are a number of reasons for doing this; not just to list everything so we know what we have, but also to know where to find it, to keep records of service, maintenance and performance (very useful in terms of recording antenna SWR, for example), to know the purchase and replacement values for insurance purposes, and to have easy access to the essential manuals and documentation.
After initial technical gremlins, Peter started his presentation with a brief description of component nomenclatures through the history of electronics, looking at that for valves, semiconductor (with Mullard, Toshiba and JEDEC protocols), and even geographic location systems. The point being made that standardisation is very helpful and in the vast complexity of electronic systems and protocols, the absence of a consistent system leads to chaos.
Very practically, Peter considered the following sensible design considerations for an asset-recording system:
• It should not be dependent on a specialist IT person;
• It should not be internet based;
• It should not be dependent on one person (who may not be available forever) to maintain it;
• It should not be a database package;
• It should be free if possible;
• It should not be limited to a particular operating system;
• It should require no programming skills;
• It should use no macros;
• It should be easy to use;
• It should be easy to maintain by someone with basic computer skills;
• It should be expandable.
Peter has, in fact, already set up a very effective parallel system on his iPad, complete with photos of each item. But that breaks the “particular operating system” proscription, because not all of us have iPads! So instead he decided to implement the record system using Libre Office. This freeware set of applications, which includes Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation, Draw and Project Management capabilities, can also read and write Microsoft Office files, which is very useful.
Then Peter discussed the core Information elements required. These are:
• Description;
• Serial Number;
• Asset Tag;
• Location.
He showed us the above info, applied to a simple spreadsheet, which appears to work just fine.
A further advantage is that hyperlinks can be added to individual spreadsheet cells, which can provide links to - well, anything else required. In this context, those local hyperlinks point to a picture of the item, and to the manual for that piece of equipment (where applicable). But when you think of it, you could, in the fullness of time, link to all sorts of relevant information. Should internet access become available, the range could be extended even further.
Then it was time for a little wizardry. Peter showed us what he is doing with QR codes. These square “bar code” images can be generated on easily obtainable freeware such as Zint Barcode Studio (currently version 2v4). The QR code format can accommodate quite a lot of text information per item. Astonishment was expressed when people at the back of the venue discovered their smartphones could pick up and read QR codes held up (in low light) at the front of the room. So the idea is to incorporate the basic information for each item and affix a QR code for same on each item.
Peter concluded the talk by answering several questions from the audience. Then Noel closed the meeting formally (Rob had to depart shortly after introducing Peter) and we started stacking chairs and perusing the swops on display. Paul ZS1S had generously provided boxes of Stuff for folk to take as needed, and several happy hams walked off with some free earthing leads and mains power cables. Post-meeting ragchews continued for a bit before we closed up shop and headed home. A most interesting afternoon indeed.
Our following meeting will be the CTARC AGM on Saturday, 28 July 2018. We encourage all CTARC members to:
• Attend that very important meeting;
• Listen to the Sunday morning bulletins for further info;
• Pay their subs and Morningstar fees (where applicable) if they have not done so already;
• Take part in our weekly Monday evening natter at 20h00 on the 145.750 MHz repeater.
We do look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting in July.
Chairman Rob ZS1SA opened the meeting with a welcome, and gave a report back on the recent committee meeting. He reminded us of the club’s AGM next month, and the August meeting which will be the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend held at Green Point Light on the weekend of 18/19 July 2018. Rob announced that John ZS1EQ is going to assist increasingly with managing our club’s ILLW involvement (a big task that Rob has carried with Spartan fortitude for the past eight years). Also, we have two new bulletin readers joining our team in the persons of John ZS1EQ and Chris ZS1CDG.

Solidly assembled and using just five valves – a 7Q7, three 7H7’s and a 7C5, this compact set was a vast improvement on its predecessor, the Mark ii (also called the "B2"), which had occupied three bulky boxes and would have been difficult for an agent (trying to avoid the enemy search teams) to transport discreetly. The Mark iii fits into a little suitcase just 13 x 9 x 4 inches in size. It is a CW transceiver (which can also receive A3 telephony), capable of operating between 3.2 and 9.55 MHz (sorry - Megacycles!), the transmitter frequency being controlled by a crystal and the receive frequency operating in split mode (for better security and to avoid jamming). Typically,. three crystals were issued per set – one for the daytime frequency, a night time one and one for emergencies. The receiver is a reaction-tuned super-regenerative type with an Intermediate Frequency of 1200 kc/s.
The rig pushes out just 5 watts, which is not that much considering the antenna and counterpoise were often set up just inside a single room to avoid visual detection. However, the home stations back on British soil would be copying the fugitive signal via a rhombic antenna connected to an HRO or AR88 communications receiver. Under ionospheric conditions at the time, ranges of 500 miles were possible. Also, this was surely one situation where “less is more” on account of a very diligent enemy with direction-finding equipment, highly motivated to find the clandestine transmitter soon after it came alive.
There is a vast amount of information on the Internet about the Special Operations Executive, their agents' training, missions, successes and failures through the war years. In addition to the European mainland operations, SOE was also active in the Balkans, the Middle East and the Far East as well. It makes for riveting reading.
An interesting feature of this set is a switch with a ring-pull attachment. This switches the set instantly from mains to 6V battery power (it can be powered by both). This was because it was common practise for the hunters to first DF the approximate location of the transmitter, then to switch off the mains power area by area, block by block. Should the transmitter suddenly drop out as mains power was cut, that indicated the approximate block, street or building of its location, which would then be cordoned off and searched. The ring pull switch enabled the transmitter to keep on going – not so much as to complete the message (which could always be completed on a fall-back frequency and schedule) , but to try to fool the hunters as to its location.

Peter has ably taken on the enormous task of documenting all the physical assets in our club. There are a number of reasons for doing this; not just to list everything so we know what we have, but also to know where to find it, to keep records of service, maintenance and performance (very useful in terms of recording antenna SWR, for example), to know the purchase and replacement values for insurance purposes, and to have easy access to the essential manuals and documentation.
After initial technical gremlins, Peter started his presentation with a brief description of component nomenclatures through the history of electronics, looking at that for valves, semiconductor (with Mullard, Toshiba and JEDEC protocols), and even geographic location systems. The point being made that standardisation is very helpful and in the vast complexity of electronic systems and protocols, the absence of a consistent system leads to chaos.
Very practically, Peter considered the following sensible design considerations for an asset-recording system:
• It should not be dependent on a specialist IT person;
• It should not be internet based;
• It should not be dependent on one person (who may not be available forever) to maintain it;
• It should not be a database package;
• It should be free if possible;
• It should not be limited to a particular operating system;
• It should require no programming skills;
• It should use no macros;
• It should be easy to use;
• It should be easy to maintain by someone with basic computer skills;
• It should be expandable.
Peter has, in fact, already set up a very effective parallel system on his iPad, complete with photos of each item. But that breaks the “particular operating system” proscription, because not all of us have iPads! So instead he decided to implement the record system using Libre Office. This freeware set of applications, which includes Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation, Draw and Project Management capabilities, can also read and write Microsoft Office files, which is very useful.
Then Peter discussed the core Information elements required. These are:
• Description;
• Serial Number;
• Asset Tag;
• Location.
He showed us the above info, applied to a simple spreadsheet, which appears to work just fine.
A further advantage is that hyperlinks can be added to individual spreadsheet cells, which can provide links to - well, anything else required. In this context, those local hyperlinks point to a picture of the item, and to the manual for that piece of equipment (where applicable). But when you think of it, you could, in the fullness of time, link to all sorts of relevant information. Should internet access become available, the range could be extended even further.
Then it was time for a little wizardry. Peter showed us what he is doing with QR codes. These square “bar code” images can be generated on easily obtainable freeware such as Zint Barcode Studio (currently version 2v4). The QR code format can accommodate quite a lot of text information per item. Astonishment was expressed when people at the back of the venue discovered their smartphones could pick up and read QR codes held up (in low light) at the front of the room. So the idea is to incorporate the basic information for each item and affix a QR code for same on each item.
Peter concluded the talk by answering several questions from the audience. Then Noel closed the meeting formally (Rob had to depart shortly after introducing Peter) and we started stacking chairs and perusing the swops on display. Paul ZS1S had generously provided boxes of Stuff for folk to take as needed, and several happy hams walked off with some free earthing leads and mains power cables. Post-meeting ragchews continued for a bit before we closed up shop and headed home. A most interesting afternoon indeed.
Our following meeting will be the CTARC AGM on Saturday, 28 July 2018. We encourage all CTARC members to:
• Attend that very important meeting;
• Listen to the Sunday morning bulletins for further info;
• Pay their subs and Morningstar fees (where applicable) if they have not done so already;
• Take part in our weekly Monday evening natter at 20h00 on the 145.750 MHz repeater.
We do look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting in July.
Monday, 18 June 2018
CTARC Forthcoming June Meeting - 23 Jun '18
The June CTARC meeting will take place on Saturday 23 June 2018 at 14h00, as usual at the clubhouse.
At this meeting, committee member Peter ZS1PGC will give a talk on Asset Management of our club's various rigs and assorted bits and pieces, using the Libra Office freeware application.
If your ham shack is anything like that of most of ours (!), it probably holds a variety of equipment (some quite expensive), discrete components, tools, hardware, cables, antennas, books, software, notes and a myriad of smaller items. It is a very good idea to keep track of everything (of at very least the major items such as rigs, power supplies and amplifiers) so that you can know just what you own, how much to insure it for, what the serial numbers are should (heaven forbid) anything get stolen, and (ahem) just where to find that packet of transistors or PL-259's you could have sworn you had left on top of the linear a week ago. But which may have been magically teleported into the refrigerator...
With his engineering background, Peter is a very organised man. He is systematically itemising everything the CTARC possesses and has already demonstrated to the CTARC committee his thorough and creative approach to completing this gargantuan task. Those fortunate enough to have attended his fascinating talk in 2016 on his RigExpert Antenna Analyser will know that he delivers his presentations with infectious enthusiasm. So the June meeting promises to be a good one, full of useful information on how to organise your own radio ham (and other kinds of) possessions. Come early to ensure your seat.
Note: This meeting has now taken place. Read the report here.
At this meeting, committee member Peter ZS1PGC will give a talk on Asset Management of our club's various rigs and assorted bits and pieces, using the Libra Office freeware application.
If your ham shack is anything like that of most of ours (!), it probably holds a variety of equipment (some quite expensive), discrete components, tools, hardware, cables, antennas, books, software, notes and a myriad of smaller items. It is a very good idea to keep track of everything (of at very least the major items such as rigs, power supplies and amplifiers) so that you can know just what you own, how much to insure it for, what the serial numbers are should (heaven forbid) anything get stolen, and (ahem) just where to find that packet of transistors or PL-259's you could have sworn you had left on top of the linear a week ago. But which may have been magically teleported into the refrigerator...
With his engineering background, Peter is a very organised man. He is systematically itemising everything the CTARC possesses and has already demonstrated to the CTARC committee his thorough and creative approach to completing this gargantuan task. Those fortunate enough to have attended his fascinating talk in 2016 on his RigExpert Antenna Analyser will know that he delivers his presentations with infectious enthusiasm. So the June meeting promises to be a good one, full of useful information on how to organise your own radio ham (and other kinds of) possessions. Come early to ensure your seat.
Note: This meeting has now taken place. Read the report here.
CTARC Mysterious Project "X" - 17 Jun '18
Now, at last, it can be told. At great cost to life and limb our trusty operatives have smuggled the following image (see right) out of the workshops of a Foreign (unspecified) Power. Behold Project "X"...
This unique and truly ingenious device exhibits the characteristically flawless metalwork signature of Rob ZS1SA and (when opened) the deftly intricate hand-wiring skills of Chris ZS1CDG within.
It is, in fact, a Fox. Observe it closely, for ere long it shall be, suitably camouflaged, secreted at a hidden location known only to a very select inner circle, and then activated to emit a tantalisingly fugitive signal periodically.
At this point, teams of trained operatives, bearing a variety of directional antennae that bear resemblance to vandalised tape-measures, egg-beaters and ray guns, will endeavor to discover its secret location by way of the dark arts of radiolocation and direction finding.
Should you wish to participate in this activity, further instructions will be posted here in due course.
This unique and truly ingenious device exhibits the characteristically flawless metalwork signature of Rob ZS1SA and (when opened) the deftly intricate hand-wiring skills of Chris ZS1CDG within.
It is, in fact, a Fox. Observe it closely, for ere long it shall be, suitably camouflaged, secreted at a hidden location known only to a very select inner circle, and then activated to emit a tantalisingly fugitive signal periodically.
At this point, teams of trained operatives, bearing a variety of directional antennae that bear resemblance to vandalised tape-measures, egg-beaters and ray guns, will endeavor to discover its secret location by way of the dark arts of radiolocation and direction finding.
Should you wish to participate in this activity, further instructions will be posted here in due course.
Sunday, 17 June 2018
CTARC Forthcoming Committee Meeting - 18 June '18
CTARC Committee embers are reminded of the forthcoming meeting at 19h00 on Monday 18 June 2018 at the clubhouse.
Please make an effort to attend as there are important matters to discuss regarding the July Meeting.
(If you can't be there, please remember to send in your reports and apologies to Rob or Anne.)
Please note this meeting has now taken place. CTARC chairman Rob ZS1SA will report back at the June meeting.
Please make an effort to attend as there are important matters to discuss regarding the July Meeting.
(If you can't be there, please remember to send in your reports and apologies to Rob or Anne.)
Please note this meeting has now taken place. CTARC chairman Rob ZS1SA will report back at the June meeting.
Thursday, 14 June 2018
CTARC Employment Opportunity - 14 Jun '18
An employment opportunity has become available recently.
An Installer Technician is needed by two-way radio company based in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town.
The position requires somebody with the following experience and abilities:
An Installer Technician is needed by two-way radio company based in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town.
The position requires somebody with the following experience and abilities:
- Perform installations, de-installations of two-way radio units into various vehicle types, including trucks and plant machinery;
- Perform the installations as per the set standard operating procedures at our workshop as well as at sites located throughout the Western Cape;
- Do repairs to all types of electronic devices, locate and resolve faults in them, and do maintenance work on them;
- The ability to safely climb radio masts and towers;
- Solid experience in handling various tools and machinery;
- Hands-on maintenance experience in both mechanical and electrical components;
- A team player, with excellent communications skills;
- A valid driver's license.
CTARC 3Y0Z Pennant at our Clubhouse - 14 Jun '18
When the 3Y0Z DxPedition to Bouvet Island was abruptly cancelled, the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre came to the rescue and formed a welcoming committee (organised chiefly by Paul ZS1S, as well as a number of other local and regional radio hams) to greet the weary travelers who had made it up from Bouvet Island after a rather bumpy ride through the roaring forties. They were assisted with their disembarcation at Cape Town, with logistics and with a combined welcome and farewell function at the Royal Cape Yacht Club, and later with lifts to the airport as well. Read about that (here).
The 3Y0Z group were so grateful for their warm welcome that they donated their DxPedition colours to the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre. So we display them proudly in our clubhouse, for although we did not take physically part in their journey to Bouvet Island, we were very much with them on air and in spirit, and we share the fellowship and fraternity with that great team and with the greater Amateur Radio community.
The 3Y0Z group were so grateful for their warm welcome that they donated their DxPedition colours to the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre. So we display them proudly in our clubhouse, for although we did not take physically part in their journey to Bouvet Island, we were very much with them on air and in spirit, and we share the fellowship and fraternity with that great team and with the greater Amateur Radio community.
Saturday, 2 June 2018
CTARC Further Club History - 2 Jun '18
At a JOTA-type outreach activity are, L to R. Ted Baker ZS1RA (former Cape Town Branch chairman) and Sydney Smith ZS1PF at the microphone, along with two avid Lakeside Sea Scouts.
CTARC Club History - 2 Jun '18
Here is some club history, kindly provided by Dennis ZS1AU.
In the photo (right) from (we guess) the 1960's, L to R: Sydney Smith ZS1PF standing, telling us about his homebrew project (it was an electronic keyer), Ray Alexander ZS1IM (then CT Club Chairman) & Jack Meerburg ZS1FM (Secretary) seated. Note the Trophies!
Syd, who was a Mechanical Engineer by profession and who built beautiful homebrew equipment, was the winner in the photo. He also built (for his company, Cape Steel Pty Ltd ) the connecting bridge walk through, over Darling Street, from Cape Town Railway Station to the OK Bazaars/Golden Acre complex.
Sadly, both Syd and Ray have since passed on, but Jack is still around and living in Constantia.
In the photo (right) are Muriel Alexander (Ray's XYL) and Mac Mclure ZS1VN.
Thanks so much, Dennis!
In the photo (right) from (we guess) the 1960's, L to R: Sydney Smith ZS1PF standing, telling us about his homebrew project (it was an electronic keyer), Ray Alexander ZS1IM (then CT Club Chairman) & Jack Meerburg ZS1FM (Secretary) seated. Note the Trophies!
Syd, who was a Mechanical Engineer by profession and who built beautiful homebrew equipment, was the winner in the photo. He also built (for his company, Cape Steel Pty Ltd ) the connecting bridge walk through, over Darling Street, from Cape Town Railway Station to the OK Bazaars/Golden Acre complex.
Sadly, both Syd and Ray have since passed on, but Jack is still around and living in Constantia.

Thanks so much, Dennis!
Friday, 1 June 2018
CTARC Ragchew - 1 Jun '18
The June 2018 edition of the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre's bi-monthly newsletter "Ragchew" is now published.
Grateful thanks once again to our editor, Anne, for all her excellent work in putting together this month's edition, and to all those who contributed articles.
Remember please, Anne is always on the look-out for articles to publish in Ragchew!
Download the PDF file [here];
Ragchew is also on our Newsletters Page
Grateful thanks once again to our editor, Anne, for all her excellent work in putting together this month's edition, and to all those who contributed articles.
Remember please, Anne is always on the look-out for articles to publish in Ragchew!
Download the PDF file [here];
Ragchew is also on our Newsletters Page

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