Members of the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre met at 12h00 on Saturday 25 January 2014 for a social gathering. The weather was great and we were treated to delicious hamburgers kindly prepared by Rob (ZS1SA) and Anne. Grateful thanks to Noel ZS1FW and Tony, ZS1TM, for braiing the burgers.The afternoon was a great success.
Later that afternoon we were treated to a flying display by Matt (ZS1MTF) of his amazing hexacopter!
Left to right: Mike (ZS1FP), Wolfgang (ZS1WHL), Hans-Jurgen
(ZS1HJH), Peter (ZS1MET) and Noel (ZS1FW) |
Mike, ZS1FP and Richard, ZS1RIC in the clubhouse |
This rather uneventful picture of the clubhouse interior
will at least show that it has recently been painted (by Fred, ZS1FK,
who rode all the way from St Helena Bay to do the job!
Mike (ZS1CO, Fred (ZS1FZ) and Matt (ZS1MTF) in deep discussion |
The manne discuss the finer points of Amateur radio! |
Tony (ZS1TM), Noel (ZS1FW), Rob (ZS1SA) and Anne
all helped to produce the burgers |
Anne rushes the burger patties, piping hot, to the serving table |
Hard work on a hot day! The stalwarts busy at the braai |
Russel (ZS1VK) and Rob (ZS1SA) |
Tony, ZS1TM |
Noel, ZS1FW |
The burgers, deftly served by Anne, were greatly enjoyed |
Left to right: Matt (ZS1MJJ), Klaus (ZS1QO), Mike (ZS1FP), John (ZS1AGH), (Unid),
Rob (ZS1SA), Anne. (Unid), Barry (ZS1FJ) and Rob (ZS1BL) |
The magnificent hexacopter, flown by Matt ZS1MTF |
Note the V-Antenna on the top left of the copter |
Future development plans for the copter include a paintball gun...
Now there is no place to hide! |
CTARC members watch the hexacopter with great interest |
The copter does a fly-past (at a safe distance) of the Club's beam antenna |
The hexacopter can carry a video camera (with live feed)
and can stay airborne for about 20 minutes |
Paul (ZS1PXK) and Matt (ZS1MTF) provide some idea
of the scale of the hexacopter |
Paul (ZS1S), Anne and (below) Pluto.
Pluto managed to score TWO burger patties AND got
his ears tickled into the bargain! |
Left To Right: Paul (ZS1PXK), Tony (ZS1HSF), Mike (ZS1FP), G3PXU, Hans (ZS1HA) |