Sunday, 9 January 2022

CTARC Meeting - 22 Jan '22

The first meeting of 2022 for the Cape Town Amateur Radio Society will take place on the lawn outside our clubhouse on Saturday, 22nd January at 14h00.

The meeting will be a Show and Tell format, where members are invited to bring along any ham radio-related projects you have been working on, or items of interest, (whether complete or not!) and tell the club about it. If you have an interesting ham-related workshop tool or other gadget that you think will be of general interest, bring it along and tell us about it and how it works, (or was supposed to work!). Even tools or projects that didn’t work out as anticipated are interesting and your fellow members can learn something new. Show and Tell has always been one of our most interesting meetings.

We will also have a Swop Shop where ham-related items may be traded. The CTARC will also have some donated equipment up for disposal for club funds.

Club Regalia will be on sale... we now have a Credit Card facility, so come and buy your short-sleeved golf shirts for the summer.

QSL cards may be collected from me, as mentioned on the Bulletin some cards are from 2014!

If you have ordered a Club Name Badge that will be waiting for you too.

It promises to be a scorcher this Saturday; so please bring some water or refreshments, and be there on time, to get your spot under the trees.

****All Covid protocols will be in place as usual and your mask will need to be worn at all times covering your nose and mouth.

Don't miss this 1st meeting of 2022, it promises to be very interesting.... See you all on Saturday....


Anne Bareham
(CTARC Sec:/ Treasurer / Editor)
072 268 1207


Note: this meeting has taken place. Read the report in the February 2022 Newlsetter.

Saturday, 1 January 2022