Wednesday, 23 September 2020

CTARC Course for Radio Amateurs Examination - Oct '20

Chris ZS1CDG has been running a very successful Radio Amateurs Examination course for newcomers to the hobby, at the CTARC and at other venues. In the recent (August/September 2020) batch, Chris's RAE students achieved a 100% pass rate!

The next Radio Amateurs Examination will be held on 5 December 2020.

With the Coronavirus restrictions making classroom meetings difficult, we are pleased to announce that CTARC will be running a nine-week online course, which will start on Saturday, 10 October 2020. It will take place from 08h00 to 10h30 every Saturday morning. 

The HF assessment will be done on the same day as the examination (Saturday 5th December) so you only need to come into Cape Town once. Please contact Anne, the CTARC club secretary for course information

More general details about the Radio Amateurs Examination on the CTARC web site are [here].

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

CTARC Ragchew September '20

The September 2020 edition of the Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre's bi-monthly newsletter "Ragchew" is now published.

Grateful thanks to the editor, Anne, for another fine edition.

Remember please, Anne is always on the look-out for articles to publish in Ragchew! This is especially the case during the lock-down.

You can advertise ham-related items - for sale, swop or wanted-to-buy - in Ragchew, including colour photos, details and prices. To do so, please contact the editor [here].

Download the September Newsletter PDF file [here];

Ragchew is also on our Newsletters Page