Just to give all CTARC members and interested parties a notification of the date of the forthcoming
CTARC Annual Flea Market. It is easy to remember, being always the
first Saturday in March at the CTARC
clubhouse, just off Laidlaw Lane in Rondebosch.
This year it takes place on
March 7th, 2020.
This announcement is being made early to give sellers time to find, organise and prepare their goods for sale. Remember that the flea market is specifically for electronics- and amateur radio-related equipment, components, antennas and tools.
The CTARC Annual Mega Flea Market, as it is becoming known, has grown into the largest radio amateur-related flea market in the Western Cape of the year. It is an ideal opportunity for sellers to dispose of radio-related equipment surplus to their requirements, and for keen buyers to acquire such equipment, components and items they would like to buy or swop.
There will be a small charge to
sellers to help
defray our club's costs, but no charge to buyers and browsers to attend.
Sellers are reminded to please
bring their own table/s if they do not intend to sell out of their car boot as the CTARC has only a very limited amount of tables available.
All are welcome!
Further details will be announced here on this blogpot, in Ragchew and on our Sunday morning bulletins on 2 metres in due course.
Note: This event has now taken place. See photos [
A scene from a previous CTARC flea market |