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Dennis ZS1AU |
ZS1AU's Activities & Achievements
Since 1947 until January 2019:
- First Mobile-to-Mobile / Continent-to-Continent 1973 Barney Joel Trophy;
- First Digital Voice in the Southern Hemisphere, on HF, on 20m/15m/10m in August 2004;
- First & only WAZL award.
Worked over 1000 ZL’s; - First Garden City Award – Christchurch NZ;
- First & only Calgary Stampede Award VE6;
- Second ZS1 to achieve DXCC Honour Roll in 2011;
- First ZS1 to achieve #1 DXCC Honour Roll in 2014;
- Fourth ZS to reach #1 DXCC Honour Roll;
- First ZS to reach DXCC Entity Sticker #360 in 2018;
- First to transmit modulated CW on HF, in 1960’s for CW over-the-air classes. ZS1PF & ZS1YP @ 12 wpm;
- In 1960’s won the TED BAKER Rally Trophy, held by CTARC;
- Winner (Division One) SARL SSB Contest 1989;
- Len Wells Ham Spirit Trophy in 2007, held by CTARC;
- Winner in Mobile section of SARL Annual Contest in 1961;
- Runner-up Mobile section of SARL Annual Contest in 1962;
- Runner-up in Annual SARL CW Contest on 80m/40m/20m in 1968;
- Highest Single Band 20M SARL Contest Joseph White Trophy in 1958, 1959 & 1967;
- Hunting Lions On The Air 1989, Fifth in the World Plaque;
- Hunting Lions On The Air 1990, First in ZS, while leading #1 in the World.
Ruled a "No Contest" due to loss of contest logs in Argentina; - Certificates: First WAS all on 20m SSB;
- SARL Certificates: AAA, WAZS;
- Awarded Honourary Life Membership from CTARC in 2003;
- Awarded Honourary Life Membership from SARL in 2005;
- Luminated Address for Services Rendered & Attendance over 20 years in 1966;
- One of five Radio Amateurs awarded Officers' Rank in SAPWRR in 1974 to 1980;
- Served on Cape Town Branch Committee & as Chairman in 1947 to 1966;
- Served on Oakdale Klub (Amateur Radio) Committee as Vice-Chairman from 1996 to 2008;
- Awarded Gary Immelman Amateur Radio Heritage Award & Gold Pen in 2008;
- Served on SARL Council for 3½ yrs 1966 to 1969 HQ Notes & Branch Affairs;
- Was Pilot for DXpeditions for CT1BWW, ZS1FJ, 7P8DX & 3Y0C;
- Worked stations on SUNSAT Satellite in 2000/2001;
- Organised First & thus far the only Satellite contact for 3Y0C Chuck Brady on a 2m Handy to make contact with ZS1DFR & ZS1AAZ in the PARROT mode, SUNSAT foot print over CT & Bouvet Island in 2001;
- Operator on DXpedition to Robben Island as ZS64RI in 1996;
- Organised departure & reception for Chuck Brady 3Y0C after he had completed three months on Bouvet Island;
- ZS1S Paul Johnson & ZS1AU organized reception for VK0EK DXpedition to Heard Island in 2016;
- ZS1S Paul Johnson & ZS1AU organized reception for 3Y0Z aborted DXpedition to Bouvet Island in 2018;
- Organised Special Event Station ZS1WPR WP Rugby 100 yrs;
- Organised Special Event Station ZS03CWC Cricket World Cup in RSA;
- Took part in operating as ZS….. MADIBA & worked over 1000 stations;
- On Oakdale Klub (Amateur Radio) Committee, proposed that Mark Shuttleworth be granted ZS1RSA on the International Space Station;
- Read SARL HQ Bulletins on 40m & 20 m for almost 10 years from QTH in Plumstead CT;
- Refurbished TH-5 antenna at ZS1CT Club House after a severe Cape Storm smashed the Beam & Tower;
- Organised a Field Day Weekend on top of Montague Mountain @ 1600 metres ASL in 1984 as ZS1CT/P;
- In the 1980’s I saved Bertie Reed on SA Yacht “Voortrekker” after his auto-pilot broke & saw him around the World;
- Did a caravan tour, "The Great Trek" in 1968 as ZS1AU / MOBILE;
- In 1971 did a caravan tour of Zimbabwe & operated as ZS1AU / MOBILE / ZE;
- Did a caravan tour of Swaziland & operated as ZS1AU/MOBILE/7P8;
- In 2008 put together & erected 3x TELREX Beams for 20m 5-element, 15m 5-element & 10m 6-element at 30m on Oakdale Tower;
- In addition to above I was involved in two MAYDAY calls, the rescue of a Russian boat that was drifting rudderless off coast of Australia;
- The other MAYDAY call was at midnight when the RSA Base station ZS1ANT called for help via the USA. One of the team on Antarctica had been seriously injured & urgent medical help was needed. Unfortunately the person died during the early hours of the following morning;
- I received a letter of thanks from the Minister of Transport for alerting the high-powered station to SANAE base;
- Attended many SARL AGM’s - in East London, Cape Town, Pretoria, Stellenbosch and Durban;
- Took part in operating JOTA from home & at various other locations as ZS1CT/P, & in Bergvliet & Zandvlei Scout camp;
- Went out 20kms offshore on Robert ZS1FF’s yacht to welcome the aborted Bouvet Island DXpedition Team into Cape Town Harbour in 2018;
- In 1960’s home-brewed a complete mobile transceiver & centre-loaded whip on a 1954 Hillman & worked DX & many States-side stations on 20m & South America on 40m using 50 watts AM;
- Home-brewed first 15m ZL Special beam & the rotator;
- First to contact VK on 15m in 1952;
- Designed & constructed my 15m tower, still in use since 1980;
- Played around with RTTY, SSTV & manufactured my morse keys & a “bug” key;
- Did many construction items for HF to Telephone patching & microphone speech compression audio unit;
- Did most of my own repairs when things went wrong. HI !!!