Thursday, 24 May 2018

CTARC Request for Assistance - 24 May '18

There is an urgent request for assistance from Klaus / ZS1QO for fellow radio hams and club members to help him finish dismantling his radio station in Rugby in Cape Town. Klaus and his family are set to depart the QTH quite soon, and his state of health prevents him from doing this big job on his own. While his masts are now dismantled and antennas are down, there is still work to be done.

He also still has quite a large selection of amateur radio rigs, antennas and accessories for sale too. Here is an extracted list of items that appeared recently in the Highway Amateur Radio Club swops page:
Update offer to sale:
  • Military Handset, new, for B25 and similar MIL Radios complete with MIL-Plug,
  • Synthesized Digital Generator FARNELL DSG-1 0,0001 Hz to 99,99 kHz - very rare, among else used for CTCSS calibration-, 
  • Audio Signal Generator HP204C, 
  • Calculating Frequency Counter 0.1 Hz to 2.5 GHz, made in Germany by AUERSBERG, 
  • Oscilloscope Siglent SDS 1102CML dual-beam storage 100 MHz, 
  • D-Link Wireless N150 ADSL2plus Modem Router, 
  • Tono 5000E CW / RTTY / AMTOR Encoder/Decoder including keyboard, 
  • 12-Pin power cables for Yaesu FT-101 Series and Kenwood, 
  • VHF Mobile Antennas with magnetic base,
  • Good Quality Coax Cable RG58 - 50m Reel, 
  • DC twin-core power cable red/black, 
  • Special Radio Power Plugs, 
  • Military Plugs - many different types, 
  • Commercial Radio Direction Finder 100 MHz to 180 MHz, 
  • SWR Meter 1.8 MHz to 570 MHz, ranges 5W 20W 200W, 
  • HF Transceiver ICOM IC-751A (including non-volatile EPROM). 
  • Transformer Power Supply 220 V / 13.8 V 30 A cont. 32 A peak, 
  • Transformer Power Supply 220 V / 13.6 V 3.5 A, 
  • Automatic Antenna Tuner Daiwa CN2002 with cross needle meter,
    Range 20 W / 200 W / 2000 W PEP, 12 V operated,
  • Portable 2m Transceiver TR-2300 with built-in CTCSS board and ext. Amplifier VB-2300, 
  • 4 x High Quality German Loudspeakers - 4 Ohms 25W, 
  • Kenwood Hand Microphone MC35S 50 kiloOhm with 4-pin connector, 
  • Other dynamic microphones with 4-pin and 8-pin connectors, 
  • VHF 2m Mobile Antennas with magnetic base, 
  • Big box of coax plugs and sockets - PL259, N-Type, Barrels, BNC, adapters PL/BNC, N/PL, N/BNC, PL/SMA and more.
Kind regards
Klaus ZS1QO
Klaus requests you contact him by direct mobile phone call, please NOT by WhatsUp nor by SMS. You can do so on: [ zero 8  three = 6 too six = six  9  six  4 ].
He may also be e-mailed at comlab at global dot co dot za