Monday, 28 April 2014

CTARC Meeting - 26 April 2014

Cape Town Amateur Radio Centre held its monthly meeting in April on the afternoon of Saturday, 26 April, at the CTARC clubhouse in Rondebosch.

It was an informal gathering with no set agenda, but was enjoyed by all who attended.

Nick was out of town on that date and unable to attend or take any photos, so if anybody else took photos of that particular meeting, please won't you forward them to Anne, our secretary (whose contact details are here) and she will forward them to be posted here on our blogspot.

Monday, 21 April 2014

CTARC Ragchew April 2014

The April 2014 edition of "Ragchew", CTARC's monthly newsletter, has been published in PDF format.

You can download it directly from [here] or from the link on our Newsletters Page

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

CTARC Photos of Meeting - 29 Mar '14

Here are some photos from the recent CTARC meeting held on 29 March 2014 at 13h00:

Club members gather and chat before the meeting

Noel /ZS1FW, Mike / ZS1CO, Jeffrey /K1ZM, Raoul /ZS1C, Paul /ZS1PXK and Danny /ZS1BL
Members await the start of the lecture
Slide from the Yemen DX-pedition
Slide from the Yemen DX-pedition

Marconi's first attempts at transatlantic radio comms
Radio hams conducted tests in 2006 / 2007
to verify Marconi's early wireless experiments
Possible reasons for Marconi's success

Marconi's experiences are still relevant to radio hams today
Paul /ZS1GS and Danny /ZS1BL
Jeffrey accepts his cap from our chairman, Noel / ZS1FW

The lecture was subjected to some temporary QRM when an Emergency
Services chopper did a test landing and take-off on the cricket field
next door
Jeffrey and Peter / ZS1JX
After the meeting, Dirkie / ZS1X, Hans-Jurgen / ZS1HJH, Paul / ZS1S